Monday, November 27, 2006

Ana Opus Day

Ana Opus

oh my fuckin

pray do pray doh


lack Mary's littel boy

Hod is where form is given by language in its widest sense, being the key to the mystery of form. [Wikipedia]

experimental electronic concrete origam

how works stuff lak this ? 11:16 11/27/06 930 byt
Hasidic Judaism's view of Hod is that it is connected with Jewish prayer. Prayer is seen as form of "submission"; Hod is explained as an analogy: that instead of "conquering" an obstacle in one's way, (which is the idea of Netzach), subduing oneself to that "obstacle" is related to the quality of Hod.
In a mystical sense, in which the Tree of Life is supposed to be a roadmap to "consciousness", Hod is where form is given by language in its widest sense, being the key to the mystery of form. (Perhaps this may be an adopting of a point of view of the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan), our unconscious desires come from Netzach, and are given form in the symbolic realm by Hod, manifesting unconsciously through Yesod to Malkuth

Mystic Semiotic 10:55 6/25/02 604 bytes

Parousia, Presence and Coram Populo x 2

Forever phrase Coram Populo
Mirror more
I mova illusioN mow Alysia see Nuevo
rapport mova Alissa
Odessa mare Nuevo
je snort eleiro elixir
more mova Alisha
Mirror moret enteRed morel
more alufo8 mova
Emergent universal mousse
serm of Forever phrase
amourous among crosswise aRrows
ousvarar ARraign. aRrange aRrows
auroras anchorage omvoviom
ai wa roi
ins won or empress e~messers
ea N ea M
Nuevo Mare

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Heard tell of Satan 13:18 & 14:53 1/14/06 bytes Jesus' raft 13:25 1/16/06 700 bytes``````````` Life floats Eternal 14:18 1/16/06 866 bytes

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Psalms innumerable 11:20 12/14/05 7185 bytes

Tragedy jam is blast lilt`````````````````````The Lord is my sheperd
brow ten Clods a`````````````````````````````````` I shall not want
em aglow id````````````````````````````````````````he maketh me
sword aid ads`````````````````````````````````````````to lie down
salutary nag hi```````````````````````````````````in green pastures
own realty deal oil``````````````````````````````````he leadeth me
below lits doubt``````````````````````````````` `beside still waters
Wow glamour Atwater oil``````````````````````he restoreth my soul
dilate zen litebass bar zen lite```````````````````thy rod and thy staff
hem badman foot``````````````````````````````````they comfort me
roam a act again`````````````````````````````````````yea tho I walk
fuller Wt watt``````````````````````````````````````thru the valley
wood-lilt or Waif for`````````````````````````of the shadow of death
Girl on rod dad 9````````````````````````````````I shall fear no evil
em strew trio out at``````````````````````````` for thou art with me
whorl lines reread`````````````````````````````````forever and ever ~